

Many Europeans as well as Indians, are interested in learning Ayurvedic Massage properly. To understand about Ayurveda, and the importance of massage in Ayurveda there are not so many places.
We organize Ayurvedic short term massage courses, for those who are interested. Mostly those who are working in this field come to this course.

They are taught the techniques for relaxing body and mind, clear the blockages of the energy, to circulate all over the body. People are coming from different parts of the world to do the course here.

The maximum number of participants is 5, they have to book in advance and course is being conducted once in a month.

Traditional Ayurvedic Massage Course (15 hrs.)

1st Step. Therapeutic Full Body Massage:

Swedna Therapy Course (Joint Pain Therapy) 15 hrs.

This course mainly aimed for the Ayurvedic therapists or Physiotherapist, Heilpraktiker (Germany), Oesteopath (Germany) Chiropractiker (Germany)etc. The techniques included for locating the joints, spinal nerves and adjusting the body alingment.

The participants have to be well versed the physiology and anatomy.

The maximum number of participants are 5 booking has to be done in advance and course is being conducted once in a month.

2nd Step. Specialized treatment method for doing therapies.

Advanced Course in Swedna Therapy. (30 hrs.)

This course is for the people who finished the Swedna therapy course and practicing. To make them understand more about the therapy and be more good in the Swedna, we organize a second step in Swedna Therapy couse, which named as Advance course in Swedna therapy. They will learn in this course, advanced techniques in therapy , about the food, and exercise.

3rd Step. Advanced therapy methods for Chronic Pains:

Breathing Exercise

Exercise For The Body